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This Is How You Can Protect Your Car From Hail In North Texas

We have survived. The metroplex was spared from the impending doom of baseball and softball sized hail. Colleges and local schools closed early. Employers sent their workers home so they wouldn’t be stuck on the highways in rush hour traffic. Parking garages and banks opened up their covered spaces to allow protection from certain destruction. The entire Dallas Fort Worth metroplex came together and tried to protect its own. Others decided to take matters into their own hands in order to thwart Mother Nature. Spring in Texas has officially arrived and here’s How to Protect Your Car from Hail the Creative Genius Way that I learned from social media.

New to Texas? Here’s 10 Secrets About Dallas Fort Worth that No One Else Will Tell You.

Some claim Pete Delkus was just trying to get us to clean out our garages. Sneaky Pete.

But for those that didn’t have enough time to tidy up the garage (or face it, there was just too much stuff that it wasn’t worth it) they had to get very creative. Y’all, I was impressed by the shear ingenious of my fellow Dallasites, Fort Worthians, Dentonites, and Cedar Hillbillies. THIS y’all is How to Protect Your Car from Hail the Creative Genius Way:

How to Protect Your Car from Hail

We still adore you Pete Delkus.

People all over got creative with various objects to cover their car to prevent hail damage. Shoes, bricks, trash, maxi pads…you name it.

I mean, some of these ideas could really, actually work…I need to pin these so I’ll remember for next time. Which is probably gonna be next week anyway.

Another use for pool floats!!!

Some of these methods are questionable…but those pool noodles and bags of mulch now.

OR YOU COULD JUST GET ONE OF THESE. That’s probably the smarter, easier way to go.


You can get creative trying to protect your car from hail damage in DFW…or you could just go and buy a real Hail Protector that looks like a cocoon. Either way, people are gonna stick their heads out and STARE. And snap pics.