Metroplex Social

Walmart Now Has One-Way Aisles, Stickers On Floor Lets People Know Which Way To Shop

This past week Walmart placed green arrows on their store floors to help people know which way shop while in their stores. This is just one of the many things Walmart is doing to help encourage social distancing.

Related: This Texas Doctor Is Living In His Kids’ Treehouse To Keep His Family Safe From Coronavirus

The one-way aisles are designed to increase social distancing and give customers more space on each aisle.

You will find green “Shop This Way” floor decals that indicate the entrances to each aisle.

Similarly, you will find red “Do Not Shop This Way” decals to tell opposing traffic not to enter the aisle.

I predict 3 days before this becomes an internet meme.

Walmart Says They Are Concerned About Some Behaviors In Stores

Walmart wants patrons to know that they appreciate their customers that follow healthcare advice on social distancing and safety.

However, they said they are concerned that they are still seeing risky behaviors in their stores.

Which is why we’re all glad they closed the water fountains.

Here’s What Walmart Is Doing To Encourage Safe Shopping During COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Walmart Is Encouraging Customers Bring The Fewest Family Members They Can To Shop

2. Walmart Is Asking Customers To Stay Away From Other Customers While Shopping

3. Walmart Is Encouraging People To Practice Social Distancing While Waiting In Line

4. Walmart Is Limiting The Number Of People Who Can Be In Their Stores At One Time

No more than five customers for each 1,000 square feet at a given time, about 20% of a store’s capacity.

5. Walmart Is Putting Stickers On Their Floor So People Know Which Way To Shop

“We always want people to feel welcome at Walmart, and we know that in ordinary times a store is a gathering place for members of a community to connect and socialize. We look forward to the time when that is again the case; however, we now want to prioritize health and safety by encouraging customers to do their shopping at a distance from others, then head home.”

“As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, our leaders and operations teams will continue to listen to advice from medical experts, associates and customers, and consider how we can best serve people while helping slow the spread of the virus. The health and safety of our associates and customers is what matters the most.”

Read the full press release here.

Walmart Is Putting Stickers On Their Floor So People Know Which Way To Shop

Walmart has now implemented several measures to help keep customers safe and prevent the spread of coronavirus, including putting stickers on the floor to tell people which way to shop in their one-way aisles.

Here’s more on Metroplex Social:

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