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10 Ways To Upgrade Your Home’s Style…Without Breaking The Bank

Looking for easy ways to upgrade your home’s style while staying within budget? Well, you don’t need a whole lot of cash to give your home an upgrade. Keep reading for 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Home Without Breaking the Break.

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These quick and easy DIY projects will let you see your home in a whole new light and make your home feel like a million bucks. A few inexpensive home decor upgrades will give your home an instant update. Here’s 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Home Without Breaking the Bank:

10 Ways To Upgrade Your Home’s Style…Without Breaking The Bank

1. Remove Outdated Wallpaper

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A simple, geometric design can do wonders for a boring small space. Modern wallpaper comes in a variety of designs to updates your home. Be sure to keep other design elements uncomplicated to avoid a cluttered or outdated look.

2. Focal Point

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Adding a focal point can create an immediate updated look to your home. Try an oversized abstract canvas or a 3 panel textured artwork for your space.

3. Declutter

Combat chaos and restore balance your home by getting rid of all that stuff you don’t need. Simplicity is a super easy way to instantly update your home without spending one dime…and if you manage to sell anything, then you’ll make a little on the side to implement some of these other home update tricks.

4. Fresh Coat Of Paint

Brighten up any room by adding a fresh coat of paint to the walls. A muted white or grey is a good change from beige.

5. Add Artwork

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Adding a unique piece of artwork to the wall will bring an instant upgrade to your home, plus you don’t necessarily have to paint the whole wall to pull off the updated look to your home.

Adding a focal point can create an immediate updated look to your home. Try an oversized abstract canvas or a 3 panel textured artwork for your space.

6. Upgrade Fixtures

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Ditch the old fixtures (or builder grade) and swap them out for a modern look. Consider upgrading outlets with ones that have charging ports and light switches with a smart home dimmer compatible with Alexa for even more appeal to complete your investment.

7. Switch Out Light Fixtures

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Over sized lighting fixtures will give an over-the-top home upgrade to almost any room. Upgraded lighting fixtures combined with upgraded lights can also you save you money on your energy bills over time.

8. Get Some No Fail Houseplants

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Do you have a brown thumb? Try succulents or some tried and true houseplants that are difficult to kill such as ficus, rubber plant or aloe. Still a serial houseplant killer? Get a fake plant–there’s lots to choose from that look just like the real thing. Build your own succulent garden with these faux succulent plants.

9. Upgrade Bathroom Decor

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Swap out bathroom decor with the new and start enjoying your bathroom again! Don’t overdo it and consider keeping what you already have so you won’t be tempted to blow your entire budget. Sometimes, simply changing out the bathroom rugs and towels is enough for an upgraded look.

10. Upgrade Kitchen Appliances

Upgrade your kitchen appliances for a new look that doesn’t involve having to renovate the entire kitchen. Keep a cohesive look by getting appliances all in the same finish.

10 Ways To Upgrade Your Home’s Style…Without Breaking The Bank

Looking for easy ways to upgrade your home’s style while staying within budget? Well, you don’t need a whole lot of cash to give your home an upgrade.

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